
Thank you very much for inviting me to speak at the China pavilion. It is a great honor to once again come here at yet another conference of the parties. And it is a privilege for me to meet vice minister Zhao Yingmin. We had a wonderful and very direct conversation before this public event. And I expressed my warm friendship and great hope that we will be able to have a long and productive working relationship together. I greatly enjoyed my partnership with your predecessor, Xie Zhenhua, who was and is a dear friend. It is a privilege to be here with my very close friend Wang Shi with the Vanke Foundation. We have worked together extensively. And Vanke is now one of the largest developers of private homes in the entire world by revenue, and Wang Shi has been a leader in promoting green standards in building construction and in promoting climate activity. Peidan Yang, the executive director of C Team, thank you very much. Mr. Svenningsen and other distinguished guests, thank you.
非常感谢邀请我在中国角演讲。我感到非常荣幸再次参加缔约方会议(COP)。能见到赵英民副部长是我的荣幸。在这次公开活动之前,我们进行了精彩而直接的对话。我表达了热忱的友谊,并且非常希望我们能够建立长期有效的工作联系。我非常高兴与您的前任解振华先生一直保持着亲密的友谊。在这里也很荣幸见到我的好朋友——万科公益基金会的王石先生,我们一起开展了广泛的合作。万科现在是全世界最大的私人住宅开发商之一,王石一直是推动绿色建筑标准和气候活动的领导者。非常感谢C Team执行主任杨培丹女士。感谢Svenningsen先生和其他嘉宾的到来。
NGOs like C Team play a crucial role in helping the world move forward on climate policy. And of course, the principal activity is that of governments, and it is worth remembering in this unusual time of history that the greatest progress the world has made on climate has come when China and the United States have been able to work together. This bilateral relationship is by far the most important one in the world. As all of you here will understand, I do not have the authority to speak for the government of my country, but I wish to assume the right to speak for the majority of the American people who have expressed a very strong views about the climate crisis that are quite different from the views expressed by some in charge of national government policy now.
诸如C Team这样的非政府组织在帮助世界推进气候政策方面发挥着至关重要的作用。当然,主要的工作是由政府推动的。在这段不寻常的历史时期值得记住的是,世界在气候方面取得最大进步是在中美两国能够携手共同努力的时候实现的。中美的双边关系是迄今为止世界上最重要的关系。在座的各位都了解,我无权代表我国政府发言,但我希望我可以为大多数对气候危机表达非常强烈看法的美国人代言,他们的看法是与当前国家政策制定者的观点截然不同的。
Governments change with elections. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don't. But it is my great hope that when the world gathers one year from now in Glasgow for COP 26, on the occasion when all 195 nations in the world will be called upon to increase their ambition in a formal way and commit to making much steeper reductions in the global warming pollution that is creating this crisis. On that occasion, we will see an opportunity for China and the United States once again to work together very closely. It is impossible to gain an accurate perspective on how incredibly serious this climate crisis is for the people of China, the United States, and the entire world. It is outside the boundaries of our moral imagination. But we must find some way to understand in our hearts as well as in our heads, that the decisions made by those of us who are alive right now will have a profound impact on the future of the human species and on the possibility that human civilization can continue to develop in a positive way.
政府随着选举而变化,有时候更替,有时候不变。但是我强烈希望,一年后在格拉斯哥举行COP 26会议时,世界上195个国家都将被郑重地要求以正式的方式增强雄心,并致力于更大幅度地减少造成气候危机的全球暖化污染。届时,我们将看到中美有机会再次紧密合作。我们无法准确地了解这场气候危机对中国、美国及整个世界人民的严重程度,它已超出了我们道德想象力的范围。但是,我们必须找到某种方式从内心到头脑都要明白,当下我们这代人所做的决定将对人类物种的未来以及人类文明能否继续以积极的方式发展产生深远的影响。
Therefore, the policies of the United States and China and all nations must be continually re-examined. Also the activities of businesses —— in both of our countries, businesses as well as NGOs are playing a key role. And where government policies are concerned, China continues to offer leadership on climate in many areas. It is on track to meet its commitment in the Paris agreement. It is the global leader in financing renewable energy development, investing more than $100 billion in clean energy last year. And in spite of a reduction in financing this year, they will lead the world again. China last year once again lead the world in the deployment of renewable energy. More than half of all of its new electricity generation last year was installed with solar and wind. China is leading the world in electric vehicles, not least with electric buses.
We had a candid conversation earlier about the difficult issue of financing the building and development of new coal plants in other countries in the world. Please allow me, even in the midst of this warm hospitality, to express my heartfelt opinion, Mr. vice minister, that it would redound to China's everlasting credit if this policy of financing the construction of so many new coal plants in other countries could respectfully be reviewed and reconsidered. Perhaps the traffic light that is now showing green could blink yellow and then blink red. And decisions might be made in favor of alternative sources of energy in the way China finances development in other countries. So, in closing, let me say that the opportunity to exchange views to have a friendly and candid discussion about how our two countries can help to save the future of humanity is an opportunity that I cherish. I wish you well, mister vice minister, in your new responsibilities. They are very great. And I know you are carrying out the wishes of your premier, the communist party, and the people of China. The friends of China around the world will be supporting and encouraging you as you continue pursuing your duties. Xiexie.